Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Shadow's Wrath

Slipping into the shadows on the rainy dark night, I hunted the man who was my contract. Softly, my black leather boots padded the ground, the quietest thing in the world. The chirping insects made more noise than I.

I was after a man by the name of Mordrid. No last name. Must be an alias, I reasoned with myself.

My contract wasn’t rich by any honest means and had made more than a few enemies in his past. Crimes he was guilty of, but not limited to were rape, assault, battery, forgery, theft, murder and child molestation.

With a record like that, you’re bound to have enemies,” I thought as I grabbed vines on the side of the mansion and climbed as silently as any cat.

I could smell the trail of fear he left behind. My lust grew as I drew closer to his home. I could see the poor fool’s light on in the upper most bed room.

He knows someone has it out for him, I thought to myself. I can’t wait to plunge my dagger into the poor sod’s ribs and puncture his heart.

The lust grew in me, soaking my loins so that I could almost smell them. If I’m not careful, someone might smell me, I smiled wryly to myself.

I crept up to his fancy house on the highest hill in this poor excuse for a city.

My heart pumped with the thrill of the hunt. My enchanted dagger was hungry, too. I could feel its soul throbbing with the desire for warm blood. A sensation in my lower belly grew as I came closer to Mordred’s window.  

I peered into the window and saw him sitting in a chair in the corner with a kitchen knife in hand.

Oh ho, I’m definitely expected, I laughed silently to myself as I maneuvered myself to the roof. I wanted to take the bastard by surprise and come in through the open window right behind his head.

Effortlessly and quietly, I rolled across the rood and to the opposite window by Mordrid’s head. I poked my head through, and before he knew I was there, I said, “Boo!”

Mordrid jumped and fumbled with his pathetic kitchen knife.

“Did you truly expect to scare me off with that dull thing?”I taunted him.

I picked his knife off the floor and chucked it out the window. “Oops.”

“Please just leave me be!” Mordrid pleaded “I’m sorry! I won’t hurt anyone ever again!”

“Try telling that to the women haunted by nightmares of your cock in them for the rest of their lives,” I finally cornered the squirming rat, and slid my blade, Shadow’s Wrath, from my belt.  “Say good-bye to your cock.”  

Throwing smaller daggers into Mordid’s arms and feet, I pinned him to the ground and undid his pants. I grabbed his manhood and sliced with Shadow’s Wrath into the flesh. Once cut free, I threw it into the fire to watch it burn.

Mordrid’s screams were beginning to annoy me, so I slit his throat.

Cleaning my blade of his blood, I slipped back out the window and into the night. 

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